C07: The Refurbishment and Modernisation of Lifts and Escalators
What are my Responsibilities as a Duty Holder?
How do I Fulfil my Duties?
Why Upgrade a Lift?
Compliance with Statutory Instruments
Poor Reliability
Failure of Major Components or Systems
General Deterioration Due to Age
Change of Use or Perception
Energy of Power Consumption
Health and Safety
Standards and Codes
Why Refurbish or Modernise Instead of Fitting a New Lift?
What is the Difference Between Refurbishment and Modernisation?
Further Information
Covering Topics
As a ‘duty holder’ (Building Owner or Managing Agent) you have a legal responsibility to take reasonable practical measures to ensure that plant (lifts and escalators) are safe and without risks, not only to those that use them, but also to those that plant may be considered as a workplace.
Modernising plant and incorporating health and safety measures to existing plant assists in fulfilling your duties.
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