Close up of 2 people signing documents

This three hour online training course is designed to equip the delegate with the knowledge and confidence to read articles of association. Working with articles, from fictional companies, the workshop will focus on how to identify the relevant parts of the articles, explore what they mean, and what practical steps delegates need to take to ensure compliance.

Training Course Content

  • Reviewing, understanding and implementing the memorandum and articles of association of a company.
  • Amending the articles of association
  • Using and understanding the articles to determine who can be members of the company
  • Using and understanding the articles to determine who can be officers of the company and what powers they have, including having the correct number of directors
  • Appointment and resignation of directors
  • Understanding the provisions in relation to meetings of the company, eg AGMs and GMs, including: How meetings are called, what notice has to be given (and how), quorum to transact business lawfully, voting at meetings, minutes and proxies

Delegates will receive articles for fictional companies in advance of the course.

Intended For

This course is ideal for managing agents who are managing blocks for and on behalf of management companies, particularly those providing company secretarial services. 


Membership levelPrice
Members £60.00
Non Members £100.00

Interested in attending?

Unfortunately this course isn't scheduled to run at the moment, but please register your interest and we will email you as soon as new dates are arranged.

Register Interest