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1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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An extended webinar exploring what a Planned Maintenance Procedure actually is, the key benefits and how to create and sustain one effectively.

Training Course Content

What is a PMP & What is it not

  • Freeholders statutory (legal) obligation – Do you comply with the Building Safety Act? 

Why have a PMP

  • Key benefits
  • What to do with it

How it is done (what do surveyors look at)?

  • Desktop review of key documents
  • Physical inspection
  • Mechanical & Electrical systems

What do you get?

  • Condition report
  • Costing schedule
  • Follow up meeting

Q & A


Intended For

Anyone involved in the maintenance of estates or making plans for service charges and reserve funds.


Membership levelPrice
Members £35.00
Non Members £60.00