An architectual image of an apartment block

Residential blocks and estates, due to their good elevation and often high population, tend to be good site apparatus areas and as such are popular with operators. This two hour webinar will focus on the Electronic Communications Code for Managing Agents; the legal implications of these changes and the emerging case law.

Training Course Content

The Electronic Communications Code gives operators the right to seek an order from the Tribunal allowing surveyors to impose an agreement on a land owner.  Several recently reported cases have related to residential blocks specifically.  

Additionally, the Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Act 2021 is now in force and applies to multi let dwellings (blocks of flats).  This allows operators to seek rights of access to install broadband over common parts if a resident requests and the owner or managing agent fail to respond.

This essential webinar will look at:

  • An introduction to the Electronic Communication Code and key concepts
  • Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Act 2021 and associate regulations
  • Multi Skilled Visits and how to deal with them
  • New agreements (wayleaves and masts)
  • Effect on service charges

Intended For

All, in particular, those dealing with Telecommunications on their estates.



Membership levelPrice
Members £35.00
Non Members £60.00

Interested in attending?

Unfortunately this course isn't scheduled to run at the moment, but please register your interest and we will email you as soon as new dates are arranged.

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