A lady sitting looking at a computer

GDPR gives individuals a variety of rights. One of those rights is a right of access, commonly referred to as subject access. Every data subject has the right to obtain a copy of their personal data, to help them understand how and why their data is being used, and to check that it is being used lawfully. In this 1 hour online webinar, we’ll explore what the right of access is, how a subject access request might be made, and how a managing agent should deal with any request.

Training Course Contents

This webinar will cover the following areas: 


  • What the right of access is
  • What individuals are entitled to when making a subject access request
  • How a subject access request is made (and how to recognise it has been made)
  • Timeframes around complying 
  • What if the information requested contains data about other people? How should this be handled?
  • Circumstances in which a request can be refused
  • Consequences of non-compliance.

Intended For

Data protection affects all organisations. All managing agents will be processing personal data, and should have policies, processes and procedures in place. Subject access is one aspect of an agent’s data protection compliance. This webinar is idea for those who have an overall responsibility for data protection in an organisation, and those handling subject access requests.


Membership levelPrice
Members £35.00
Non Members £60.00

Interested in attending?

Unfortunately this course isn't scheduled to run at the moment, but please register your interest and we will email you as soon as new dates are arranged.

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